Monday, December 26, 2011

Himpunan 1000 Jiwa 1 Hati

Pada setiap hujung tahun, iaitu setiap 31 Disember, sebuah perhimpunan yang diberi nama Himpunan 1000 Jiwa 1 Hati dianjurkan bagi mengumpulkan para alumni ABJZ seluruh Malaysia. Para alumni dijemput hadir dan berhimpun bagi menyatakan kepada dunia bahawa mereka adalah remaja dan belia yang bijak menjauhi zina. Himpunan yang akan diadakan ini turut menjemput para artis, pertubuhan mahasiswa dan beberapa badan-badan lain untuk bersama remaja belia menyambut tahun baru secara sihat dan berakhlak.

Himpunan ini akan diakhiri dengan program Larian Sihat Cergas 1000 Pemuda pada 1 Januari 2012 di sekitar Taman Tasik Perdana sepanjang 4 kilometer bagi melahirkan para remaja belia bersemangat kental, cergas tubuh badan dan terbina jati diri.

• Menghimpun 1000 remaja dan belia untuk menyatakan kepada dunia bahawa 'Saya Bijak Jauhi Zina'
• Menghubungkan sillaturrahim di antara alumni program Anda Bijak Jauhi Zina
• Menyediakan alternatif hiburan yang baik untuk para remaja dan belia menyambut sambutan tahun baru
• Melahirkan remaja dan belia yang sihat dan cergas fizikal, intelek, emosi dan spiritual dengan aktiviti yang menarik

I. Masjid Negara, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
II. Pusat Islam, Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
III. Taman Tasik Perdana, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Jiwa Cerdas Pemuda Cergas

1. Raudhatus Sakinah (RS)
2. Raudhatus Sakinah Master Training & Consultancy (RSMTC)
3. Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)
4. Masjid Negara
5. Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI)
6. Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)
7. Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP)

Hari Pertama: 31 Disember 2011 (Isnin)
12.00 – 3.00 ptg Pendaftaran peserta
3.00 – 5.00 ptg Pembahagian Kumpulan & Solat Asar
5.00 – 6.30 ptg Majlis Perasmian Himpunan 1000 Jiwa 1 Hati
6.30 – 9.00 mlm Siap diri/ Makan malam / Solat Solat Isyak
9.00 – 12.00 mlm Persembahan 1000 Jiwa 1 Hati
12.00 – 4.30 pg Rehat / Tidur

Hari Kedua: 1 Januari 2012 (Ahad)
5.00-5.45 pg Qiamullail Perdana
5.45-7.00 pg Solat Subuh dan Tazkirah
8.00-10.00 pg Larian Sihat Cergas 1000 Pemuda
10.00-10.30pg Sarapan pagi
10.30-11.30 pg Majlis Penutup
11.30-12.00tgh hari Sesi Fotografi
12.00 tgh hari Bersurai

Pendaftaran Peserta (13-25 tahun) bagi mendapatkan makanan -



Sengaja dan bersebab. Itupun untuk orang yang berfikir.

Dialog cikgu dan budak darjah 3

Budak: Cikgu, kenapa org dewasa jahat? Tak suka buat baik? Tak suka agama? Banyak cerita sebut tentang pemimpin tak adil, kisah raja yang zalim, kisah kaum-kaum yang dimurkai Allah, sejak dulu sampailah sekarang. Kenapa macam tu cikgu? Kenapa dorang macam tak suka Islam, tak suka ajaran Allah?

Cikgu: Baik. Saya tanyakan kamu balik. Bila seseorang, mak atau ayah suruh kamu solat, kamu terus buat dengan senang hati ATAU buat dengan rasa terpaksa, berlengah-lengah, malas-malas dan bermacam-macam alasan?

Budak: Kadang-kadang saya buat dengan senang hati, tapi banyaknya yang macam cikgu sebut tadi tu la.

Cikgu: (senyum) Sama juga dengan orang-orang yang kamu sebut tadi, mereka juga berasaskan benda yang sama yakni "Tak suka, malasnya." pada suruhan agama. Iman dan akal sentiasa akan dilawan hebat oleh dua musuh ketat, iaitu NAFSU dan SYAITAN.

Budak: (mengangguk-angguk. entah faham, entah tidak). Cikgu, kan best bila dunia ni semua pemimpinnya adil dan sukakan Islam? Rindu nak ada pemimpin cinta Allah macam Rasulullah SAW dan para Sahabat.

Cikgu: Cikgu pun. (tersenyum...dalam hati berkata:"banyak lagi yg tidak difahami oleh seorang budak kecil tentang dunia penuh tipuan.")

~ Rusydee Artz | Lukisan Dakwah tidak takut berkata-kata tentang apa yg dirasakannya benar wlpn mgkn tidak benar dr sisi pndgn org sekelilingnya ~

Kempen Tutup Aurat

Kempen Tutup Aurat di Rusydee Artz | Lukisan Dakwah ♥ Jom support :)

 Dialog dua wanita ( yg Buka Aurat vs Tutup Aurat ):

BA: Aku tetap nak buka aurat!
TA: Aku tetap nak tutup.

BA: Orang suka aku buka. Cantik katanya.
TA: Ada orang kata tak cantik tutup?

BA: Buka ni fesyen.
TA: Tutup still boleh berfesyen.

BA: Bila buka, ramai terpikat. Jodoh senang.
TA: Tutup - lebih ramai terpikat. Jodoh senang dpt yg soleh.

BA: Ketinggalan zaman tutup2 ni.
TA: Arahan al-Quran tak lapuk dek zaman.

BA: Dah rasa baik sangatla tu tutup aurat tu.
TA: Ada aku kata ko tak baik? Atau ko sendiri yg tetibe rasa diri tak baik?

BA: Tutup pun kena fitnah gak. Mulut cam harem fitnah org gak yg tutup aurat ni.
TA: Jika yg buka kena 1 juta fitnah, tutup kena 10 fitnah. Mana ko nak? Jgn salahkan majoriti bila minoriti yg mulut macam tu.

BA: Apasal nak tutup lak? Keindahan ni Allah bagi.
TA: Lebih indah di pandangan suami halal.

BA: Tak sedia lah nak tutup.
TA: Tak mengapa. Kain kapan sedia menutupi bila2 masa. Sedia atau tidak sedia.

Jadikan pohon semalu sebagai contohmu...

Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah s.a.w berjalan-jalan bersama puteri baginda, Saidatina Fatimah r.a. Setibanya mereka berdua di bawah sebatang pohon tamar, Fatimah terpijak pohon semalu, kakinya berdarah lalu mengadu kesakitan.

Fatimah mengatakan kepada bapanya apalah gunanya pohon semalu itu berada di situ dengan nada yang sedikit marah. Rasulullah dengan
tenang berkata kepada puteri kesayangannya itu bahawasanya pohon semalu itu amat berkait rapat dengan wanita. Fatimah terkejut. Rasulullah menyambung kata-katanya lagi. Para wanita hendaklah mengambil pengajaran daripada pohon semalu ini dari 4 aspek.

Pertama, pohon semalu akan kuncup apabila disentuh. Ini boleh diibaratkan bahawa wanita perlu mempunyai perasaan malu (pada tempatnya).

Kedua, semalu mempunyai duri yang tajam untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Oleh itu, wanita perlu tahu mempertahankan diri dan maruah sebagai seorang wanita muslim.

Ketiga, semalu juga mempunyai akar tunjang yang sangat kuat dan mencengkam bumi. Ini bermakna wanita solehah hendaklah mempunyai keterikatan yang sangat kuat dengan Allah Rabbul Alamin.

Dan akhir sekali, semalu akan kuncup dengan sendirinya apabila senja menjelang. Oleh itu, para wanita sekalian, kembalilah ke rumahmu apabila waktu semakin senja.

Ambillah pengajaran dari semalu walau pun ia hanya sepohon tumbuhan yang kecil. 

Is Halal slaughter cruel to animals?

by Sahib Mustaqim Bleher

This is a story published in Sept 2010.

Halal slaughter, if conducted  in accordance with proper Islamic practices, will not harm the animal. Unfortunately, as with most things these days, commercialisation takes precedence over proper practice. If an animal is mistreated or harmed in a cruel and inhumane manner prior to or during the Halal slaughtering process, the animal can not be considered Halal any longer. It would be forbidden for a Muslim eat such an animal. Those that are mistreating animals should be prosecuted and their practices outlawed.

Islamic Halal slaughter has increasingly come under attack from animal rights activists telling tales of barbaric blood-thirsty ritual slaughter. There are two distinct issues: there is the vegetarian agenda which wants to ban all consumption of animal products, and there is the animal rights lobby which argues for a humane method of slaughter.

Do animals have rights?
The vegetarian argument is that killing animals for the benefit of humans is cruel and an infringement of their rights. They put both on the same level without conceding any superiority to humans over animals. This argument is seriously flawed, because if animals had rights comparable to those of humans, they must also have equivalent duties. In other words, we must be able to blame them and punish them if they violate the rights of others. It is absurd that it should be considered a crime for humans to kill a sheep, but natural for a lion to do so. The problem stems from a misconception of the role of human life within the animal kingdom: a denial of purposeful creation within a clearly defined hierarchy degrades humans to the level of any other creature. Yet even then, the argument is illogical: Why should plants, for example, be denied the same protection from a violation of the sanctity of their life?

Is Islamic slaughter cruel?
The question of how an animal should be slaughtered to avoid cruelty is a different one. It is true that when the blood flows from the throat of an animal it looks violent, but just because meat is now bought neatly and hygienically packaged on supermarket shelves does not mean the animal didn’t have to die? Non-Islamic slaughter methods dictate that the animal should be rendered unconscious before slaughter. This is usually achieved by stunning or electrocution. Is it less painful to shoot a bolt into a sheep’s brain or to ring a chicken’s neck than to slit its throat? To watch the procedure does not objectively tell us what the animal feels.

The scientific facts
A team at the university of Hannover in Germany examined these claims through the use of EEG and ECG records during slaughter. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all the animals used in the experiment and they were then allowed to recover for several weeks. Some of the animals were subsequently slaughtered the halal way by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides together with the trachea and esophagus but leaving the spinal cord intact. The remainder were stunned before slaughter using a captive bolt pistol method as is customary in Western slaughterhouses. The EEG and ECG recordings allowed to monitor the condition of the brain and heart throughout.

The Halal method
With the halal method of slaughter, there was not change in the EEG graph for the first three seconds after the incision was made, indicating that the animal did not feel any pain from the cut itself. This is not surprising. Often, if we cut ourselves with a sharp implement, we do not notice until some time later. The following three seconds were characterised by a condition of deep sleep-like unconciousness brought about by the draining of large quantities of blood from the body.  Thereafter the EEG recorded a zero reading, indicating no pain at all, yet at that time the heart was still beating and the body convulsing vigorously as a reflex reaction of the spinal cord. It is this phase which is most unpleasant to onlookers who are falsely convinced that the animal suffers whilst its brain does actually no longer record any sensual messages.

The Western method
Using the Western method, the animals were apparently unconscious after stunning, and this method of dispatch would appear to be much more peaceful for the onlooker. However, the EEG readings indicated severe pain immediately after stunning. Whereas in the first example, the animal seizes to feel pain due to the brain starvation of blood and oxygen – a brain death, to put it in laymen’s terms – the second example first causes a stoppage of the heart whilst the animal still feels pain. However, there are no unsightly convulsions, which not only means that there is more blood retention in the meat, but also that this method lends itself much more conveniently to the efficiency demands of modern mass slaughter procedures. It is so much easier to dispatch an animal on the conveyor belt, if it does not move.

Appearances can deceive
Not all is what it seems, then. Those who want to outlaw Islamic slaughter, arguing for a humane method of killing animals for food, are actually more concerned about the feelings of people than those of the animals on whose behalf they appear to speak. The stunning method makes mass butchery easier and looks more palatable for the consumer who can deceive himself that the animal did not feel any pain when he goes to buy his cleanly wrapped parcel of meat from the supermarket. Islamic slaughter, on the other hand, does not try to deny that meat consumption means that animals have to die, but is designed to ensure that their loss of life is achieved with a minimum amount of pain.

The holistic view
Islam is a balanced way of life. For Muslims, the privilege of supplementing their diet with animal protein implies a duty to animal welfare, both during the rearing of the animal and during the slaughter. Modern Western farming and slaughter, on the other hand, aims at the mass consumer market and treats the animal as a commodity. Just as battery hens are easier for large-scale egg production, Western slaughter methods are easier for the meat industry, but they do neither the animal nor the end consumer any favours. The Islamic way guarantees a healthier life for the animal and a healthier meat for the consumer.


The Miracle of Slaughtering in Islam

This is a question-answer session with a medical practitioner on the benefits of the Islamic method of slaughtering animals.

- Question: Dr. John, if the veins that are in the front part of the neck of the animal are cut, what would happen to that animal?

- Dr. John: Scientifically speaking, when an animal or human has his veins that are found in the front part of the neck cut, he will faint immediately.

To clarify, he said that if someone was strangled, he would suffer extreme dizziness and lack of concentration because it is difficult for the blood to reach the brain, and if the duration of strangling was longer, he will lose sensation and faint.

- Question: So, cutting the veins that are in the front part of the neck of the slaughtered animal and letting the blood flow outside its body leads to unconsciousness?

- Dr. John: Yes, definitely.

- Question: Does the slaughtered animal feel any pain immediately after having its neck cut?

- Dr. John: Of course not, as it is totally unconscious.

- Question: Then, why does the animal do such spasmodic movements that give the feeling that it is in pain?

- Dr. John: This is because when the veins are cut without breaking the bones of the slaughtered animal’s neck, which is exactly the case in the Islamic way of slaughtering, the brain does not receive blood while the cerebrum is still alive and the neurological system that is at the back part of the neck is still linked to all the systems of the body. Thus, the neurological system sends signals to the heart, the muscles, the intestines and all the cells of the body to send blood to the cerebrum. This makes all the cells, intestines and muscles of the body make spasmodic movements to push the blood to the heart which sends the blood to the brain. However, the blood leaves the animal’s body instead of going to the brain because the veins of the neck are already cut. The neurological system continues to send signals and blood leaves the animal’s body until all the blood flows out. The widespread idea that animals suffer from pain when slaughtered by this method was scientifically proven to be wrong as animals faint and totally lose sensation as soon as the veins are cut.

- Question: Medically speaking, is it better to leave the blood inside the body of the animal or let the blood flow out of the body?

- Dr. John: Blood is one of the most fertile environments where germs grow and it also carries substances that are harmful for the human body. So, if the blood remained in the meat directly after the death of the animal, it will be a fertile environment for germs, in addition to the harmful substances that are present in it.

- Question: What do you think of the other ways of slaughtering animals especially the way that is used in most European countries which is hitting the animal on its head so that it would faint, then slaughtering it afterwards?

- Dr. John: This method has dangerous ramifications on the health of humans. This is because the animal dies slowly when it is hit in this method and this causes the membrane that lines the large intestines to lose its ability to retain the bacteria that is in the large intestines. Therefore, the bacteria penetrates the body of the animal, finds the blood and swims in it while interacting with it until it spreads throughout the entire body of the animal. The safest way of eating meat that is free from blood and bacteria is by getting rid of the blood of the animal and letting it flow out.

from other reference:
Al Shaddad Bin Aous has quoted this tradition of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) "God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kill and when you slaughter, sharpen your blade to relieve its pain".

Many allegations have been made that Islamic slaughter is not humane to animals. However, Professor Schultz and his colleague Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment, using an electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) that *Islamic slaughter is THE humane method of slaughter* and captive bolt stunning, practiced by the Western method, causes severe pain to the animal. The results surprised many.

Experimental Details:

1. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of thebrain.

2. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks.

3. Some animals were slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular veins and carotid Arteries of both sides; as also the trachea and esophagusHalal Method.

4. Some animals were stunned using a captive bolt pistol humane slaughter by the western method.

5. During the experiment, EEG and ECG were recorded on all animals to record the condition of the brain and heart during the course of slaughter and stunning.

Results and Discussion:

I - Halal Method

1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.

2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep - unconsciousness. This is due to a large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.

3. After the above mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain at all.

4. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving maximum blood from the body: resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

II - Western method by C.B.P. Stunning

1. The animals were apparently unconscious soon after stunning.

2. EEG showed severe pain immediately after stunning.

3. The hearts of the animal stunned by C.B.P. stopped beating earlier as compared to those of the animals slaughtered according to the Halal method resulting in the retention of more blood inthe meat. This in turn is unhygienic for the consumer.